an unexpected
how grand optimist came to be.
Throughout my life I’ve always been an optimist. In my 20’s I wandered the country framing houses, trying a suit and tie job, bartending, plumbing, writing, you name it. While friends dove into their professional lives, I changed zip codes and careers like they were socks. But I never worried about how my nomadic ways would all turn out for me. Eventually, I discovered that all of my varied experiences and creative energy made me a perfect fit for advertising. It all worked out.
“Then on April 15, 2013 a bomb went off at the Boston Marathon finish line and my optimistic outlook was put to the test. My wife and I were seriously injured.”
It took nine surgeries and several months before I was able to return to my normal life. But through it all, not a moment of anger or self pity crept into my heart. I remained optimistic about my future, because I knew that I was fortunate and blessed. I could have lost my legs, my hand, my life, or even worse, the life of someone I love. But I did not.
But the story did not end there, while in the hospital recovering from her wounds, my wife discovered that we were pregnant. All of the pain and suffering I felt was replaced with joy. When I look back at that moment in my life, I only think about discovering that I was going to be a father. Good had prevailed.
It goes without saying that going through an experience like that changes a person. For me, I became painfully aware of the folly of my previous ways. I had been working so hard trying to convince people to buy things that they just didn’t need. When what I should have been doing is working with clients whose products and services are in fact helping others, helping all of us.
“My journey lead me to create Grand Optimist......which now leads me to you. The world needs more good in it. If you’re an individual or company that is offering a product or service that is genuinely helpful to others then I’d like to help you. ”
Christian Williams
Raised on a steady diet of Godzilla and Bob Ross, Christian spent his early years as an egg gathering, BMX riding, side-arm throwing lefty in a small Massachusetts town.
Beginning as a writer, then art director, and eventually creative director, Christian worked his way through the ranks of the industry. During a lengthy stay at the Discovery Channel, Christian collaborated with many of the industry’s most talented photographers and directors while creating memorable campaigns and promos. It was there that he got a taste for directing.
After a successful decade in advertising, Christian refocused his career in filmmaking. However, unlike most directors, Christian’s advertising background helps him to understand the business concerns of clients and the need for films to not only inspire, but to create actionable results.
Christian has helped shape the creative for Reebok, General Electric, Solidworks, Discovery Channel and many other successful brands.